
Archive for May, 2010

I had to laugh at myself today.  I actually wanted to return to the peaceful solitude of winter!

This past winter I made great progress staying in the present moment.  Those delicious times of peace and joy felt so wonderful.

Unable to locate work outside my home I focused all my energy on creating art and letting go of all those things inside me that kept me from living a life of peace, love and joy.  I dug deep, learned some new ways of letting go and even shared them with my friends and those who read these posts.

I thought I was ready to face anything and still remain in a state of peace, love and joy.  As usual, my expectations were a little too high.

Now that Spring is here I find myself juggling more part-time jobs than ever in addition to building two businesses.  The madness in my head is keeping me from sleeping and slowing down my ability to deal with the tasks at hand.

They say we teach what we most want to learn.  I feel like I just entered graduate school and forgot everything I ever learned.

So, today I am returning to the basics I have been teaching and applying them to my new situation.

Pay attention to the emotions first.  When I feel uncomfortable instead of allowing my mind to keep thinking thoughts that are causing these unwanted feelings I give it a new job to do.  I ask it to help me identify what I am feeling.

Once I know what I am feeling I sit with it and allow myself plenty of time to feel it intensely.  Emotions are energy passing through and I know if I do not let them out they will make me miserable, my body sick and prevent me from finding that place of love, peace and joy.

When the intensity is gone, which only takes a few moments, I imagine myself offering love and compassion to a child or a pet that is hurt or crying.  I hold those thoughts until I begin to feel the love flowing in and through my body.  That allows me to experience the love my emotions were blocking.

Then I offer prayers of thanksgiving for this experience.  I know its purpose was to help me see a part of myself that needed to be healed in order for me to live the loving, peaceful joyful life I desire.

Next I focus my thoughts on gratitude for everything I can think of in my life now.  I am grateful for the chair I sit in, the desk that holds my computer, the computer, the internet that connects me to you.

Ah, now I am feeling better.

It looks like I have a lot to learn this season.  At least with my new tools I can make it an adventure to discover what else needs to go so I can free myself of past behaviors that no longer serve me.

I will keep you posted on my progress.  Who knows, I might learn something that will help you as well.

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