
Archive for the ‘Daily Spiritual Practice’ Category

I spent many years looking for the answers to everything in my life through the experiences of others.  I let my mind trick me into believing everyone else knew this big secret to life but it was just out of my reach.

What I have come to realize is the truth lies inside each and every person.  We were born with that truth inside us.  We have just forgotten how to access it.

Our inner spirit would love to reveal our truth to us if we will just learn to listen.  So how do we listen?

One way is to pay attention to what happens in your heart.

For example, if you are faced with a decision ask your spirit to tell you the truth.  Then ask your spirit “what would it be like if I did choice number one?”

Be still and focus on your heart.  Pay attention to what happens there.

Is your heart closing down?  Is it getting tight, closing up?  Then that is your spirit telling you this is not right for you.

Is your heart opening up?  Do you feel a warm loving pulsing energy in your heart?  Does it feel good?  Then it is right for you.

Now, do the same thing with your second choice.  Which one feels better?  Which one opens up your heart?

Learning to listen to the guidance from your heart takes practice.  If this idea is new to you I recommend taking time several times during your day to practice listening to your heart.

The old saying “follow your heart” is absolutely true.  Following the guidance you receive from your heart will make all the difference in your life.

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